• 期日: 2018年5月2日(水)~ 2018年5月20日(日)まで
    時間: 10時~20時
    場所: 教文館4階エントランス
    主催: 教文館








活躍の場は雑誌にとどまらず、日本のファッション、イラストレーション、ヘアメイク、ドールアート、インテリアなど幅広い分野で時代をリードし、先駆的な存在となる。そのセンスとメッセージは現代を生きる人たちの心を捉え、新たな人気を呼んでいる。 妻は、宝塚歌劇の創世記を担った男役トップスターで、戦後映画テレビで活躍した葦原邦子。

Junichi Nakahara

Born in 1913 in Kagawa Prefecture, Nakahara became famous as an illustrator in the 1920s and 1930s for his work appearing in the girls magazine Shojo no Tomo.
In 1946, just after the war’s end, he founded the women’s magazine Soreiyu(Soleil), followed by Himawari, a version for younger women.
He was a charismatic, very popular figure who encouraged women, in a time when it was hard to dream, to strive for beauty in their lives, their fashion, and their hearts, and offered a path to a happy life.
He was active in many areas apart from his magazines, leading the times in Japan as a pioneer in a wide range of areas, including fashion, illustration, hair and makeup, doll art, and interior design.
His sensibility and message continue to appeal to people today and he is enjoying renewed popularity.
He married Kuniko Ashihara, a Takarazuka star specializing in male roles, who went on to be active in films and television in the postwar era.